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How many types of production function ?|what is relationship between total product and marginal product ?|what is production function ?

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What is Supply ?|What are the types of supply schedule ?|What is Supply Curve ?|What are the types of Supply Surve ?|What are Determinants of Supply ?

                       What is Supply ? Supply refers to quantity of a commodity that a firm is willing and able to offer for sale at a given price during a given period of a time.       What is  quantity supply ? Quantity supply refers to a specific quantity that the producer is willing to sell at a specific price of the commodity.                 What is supply schedule? A supply schedule is a table that shows the different quantities of a commodity that can be offered for sale at different possible prices.       What are the types of supply schedule? There are two types of supply schedules: i) Individual supply schedule ii) Market supply Schedule            Personal Supply schedule Individual supply schedule refers to the supply schedule of an individual output in the market.           ...

मकर संक्रांति दिन भूलकर भी ना करें ये काम|मकर संक्रांति के दिन करें ये उपाय|मकर संक्रांति क्या है ?

                      मकर संक्रांति क्या है ? जब सूर्य गोचर वर्ष भ्रमण करते हुए सूर्य मकर राशि में प्रवेश करते हैं तब इससे मकर संक्राति कहा जाता है। सूर्य का एक राशि से दूसरी राशि में जाने को संक्रांति कहते हैं। एक संक्राति दूसरे संक्राति अवधि ही सौर मास है। वैसे तो सूर्य संक्रांति 12 होते हैं लेकिन इनमें से 4 महत्वपूर्ण होते हैं। i) मेष राशि ii) कर्क iii) तुला iv) मकर हर साल मकर संक्रांति अलग-अलग वाहन पर विभिन्न प्रकार के वस्त्र पहनने कर और विभिन्न शास्त्र भोजन पदार्थ हर साल आती है।       मकर संक्रांति दिन भूलकर भी ना करें ये काम • अपने घर पर आए तो उससे खाली हाथ न लौटाएँ • आप किसी भी तरह का नशा करने से बचें जैसे- शराब सिगरेट, गुटका आदि का सेवन ना करें • प्याज लहसुन ना खाए और मसालेदार भोजन से बचे • भूल से भी रात का बचा हुआ या बासी खाना नहीं खाएँ • अपनी वाणी पर संयम रखें और गुस्सा ना करें           मकर संक्रांति के दिन करें ये उपाय •  सूर्योदय और सूर्यास्त के समय पूजा पाठ करें •...

Concepts of Revenue|What is Revenue ?|How many types of Revenue ?|What is total Revenue ?|What is marginal revenue ?

 What is Revenue ? The total amount recieved by a firm from the sale of an item is called revenue. How many types of Revenue ?  There are three types of Revenue ? i) Total Revenue ii) Marginal  Revenue iii) Average  Revenue                What is total Revenue ? The revenue that a firm gets by selling a given output is called total revenue.   TR =P×Q            What is marginal revenue ? Marginal revenue is the change in total revenue when one more unit of a commodity is sold.               What is average yield? Average receipts refer to revenue per unit of output.                AR,MR legend TR price stable                    graphical presentation • TR is increasing at the same rate.  Hence TR is represented by an upward moving strai...

Concepts of Cost|What is meant by cost?|What is meant by explicit cost ?|What are the types of total cost ?|What is meant by average cost ?

Concepts of Cost|What is meant by cost?|What is meant by explicit cost ?|What are the types of total cost ?|What is meant by average cost ?              What is meant by cost ? cost is the total expenditure incurred in a producing a commodity.                  Type of cost i) Explicit Cost ii) implicit cost iii) Opportunity cost iv) Total cost V) Average cost vi) Marginal Cost            What is meant by explicit cost ? Explicit cost means that which is incurred on the resources that a firm acquires from outside.           What is meant by implicit cost ? Implicit cost means that all inputs are not bought in the market.  The producer also uses proprietary habits in the production process.  this is called implicit cost       What is meant by opportunity cost ? The opportunity cost of producing a good is the quantity of ...

What is meant by Elasticity of demand ?|Factor Affecting price Elasticity of Demand|Measure of prices elasticity of Demand

                   Elasticity of demand    What is meant by Elasticity of demand ? The measure of change in the quantity demanded of a commodity due to change in its price,consumer's income and price of related goods is called elasticity.   Factor Affecting price Elasticity of Demand i) Nature of commodity ii) Miscellaneous consumption iii) Habits of consumption iv) Price level               Nature of commodity •When a commodity is a necessity like food grains, vegetables,medicines,etc.,its demand is generally inelastic. •When a commodity is a comfort like fan,refrigerator,etc.,its demand is generally elastic as consumer can postpone its consumption. •When a commodity is a luxury like AC,DVD Player,etc.,its demand is generally more elastic as compared to demand for comforts.            various consumption The demand for goods that have different uses is...

Theory of Demand|What is meaning of demand ?|What are the types of demand schedule ?|What is meaning by demand curve ?|How many types of demand function ?

Theory of Demand|What is meaning  of demand ?|What are the types of demand schedule ?|What is meaning by demand curve ?|How many types of demand function ?           What is meaning  by demand ? Demand refers to the different possible quantities of a command that a consumer is ready to buy at different possible  prices of that commodity.     What is meaning by demand schedule ? A demand schedule is a table that shows the different quantities of a commodity purchased quantities of a commodity purchased at different prices.   What are the types of demand schedule ? i) Individual Demand Schedule  ii) Market Demand Schedule                    Individual Demand Schedule  Individual Demand Schedule  means the demand schedule of an individual consumer in the market.                       Market Demand Schedule...